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Hong Kong Balance Bike Group Carnival @SummerFest
6/7/2019 (Sat)
逾二百位小朋友將於平衡車比賽中競逐,定必緊張刺激。大會亦提供多輛平衡車及保護裝備,供到場孩童免費試玩;另設多個遊戲攤位,不同年齡人士亦可分享 嘉年華會的樂趣。
Fundraising for International Social Service Hong Kong Branch, this carnival event will attract more than 200 kids to enjoy all the thrills and fun of a balance bike competition. There will be free trials of balance bikes and protection gear provided for children who take part. Game booths on site will also entertain the minds of all ages as well as bring a smile to each face.
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