Botero in Hong Kong
Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition
Date: 3 June - 14 August
Time: 9am - 9pm
Botero in Hong Kong features 9 monumental sculptures by the world-renowned Colombian artist Master Fernando Botero. As one of the world’s leading living artists, Master Botero’s prolific body of work has become recognisable by audiences across the globe. Featuring a distinctive artistic language and strong visual appeal, his works feature rich colour, extreme in volume, and are free in the expression of physical proportions. Corpulence, volume and inflation are recurring characteristics found across his expansive oeuvre, ranging from sculpture to the two-dimensional. “Art is deformed and exaggerated; it has no relation to fat people,” said Master Botero. “Not only the people, but the animals, fruit, and musical instruments that I paint are all plump.” The monumental sculptures, which exemplify Master Botero’s unique approach to creation, will be shown in Hong Kong for the first time.