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Chess Fun Day
14/8/2022 (Sun)
國際象棋是全球超過6億人玩的智力運動。年齡不限,新手可在有導師指導的「新手學習場」,一嘗箇中樂趣;棋手可玩輕輕鬆鬆的「休閒對弈區」及鬥智鬥反應的「快棋擂台過3關」;「全港國際象棋學界精英挑戰賽」更是高手雲集。現場亦設大型戶外國際象棋展,最宜打 卡,享受暑「棋」樂趣。
合辦單位 Co-organisers:
Widely regarded as an intellectual sport, chess is a popular game played by over 600 million people over the world. Regardless of age, visitors new to the sport can try it out under instructor’s guidance and see what all the fuss is about. Experienced players may have relaxed and casual games, or opt for more exciting challenges. Don’t miss the Hong Kong inter-school chess tournament as their participants are all elite players. The giant outdoor chess exhibition arranged on site is for sure good for check-in.
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