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好「野」影院 -
Cinema in the Wild - “Early Man”
29/7/2022 (Fri)
合辦單位 Co-organisers:
由電影文化中心協辦,觀眾可走出室內空間,置身中環海濱,在海風吹拂下欣賞喜劇動畫「超級無敵世界波」。現場 設置大型LED屏幕,沒有劃位,不收門票,送上不一樣的觀影體驗。
Co-organised by the Film Culture Centre, the Central Harbourfront becomes an outdoor cinema where audience can enjoy the animated adventure comedy “Early Man” amid the sea breeze. With a large LED screen, movie lovers are free to enjoy a unique, free-of-charge viewing experience, with no tickets.
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