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盛夏芭蕾2021 @中環夏誌
Fiesta De Ballet 2021 @SummerFest
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此活動給予香港芭蕾舞者一個互相認識、交流和切磋的平台。不 論是初學者還是資深舞者,均可在台上展現舞姿。滿天繁星照耀下,維港五光十色的夜景作背景,隨着音樂翩翩起舞,實在是難能可貴的機會。
報名(如有) Registration(if any):
查詢 Enquiry:
6232 4110 or
The event creates a positive, supportive environment where Hong Kong ballet learners are encouraged to connect with others and make friends from other dance studios. Don’t miss out on the golden opportunity to dance under the stars with the iconic harbour as the backdrop.
合辦單位 Co-organisers:
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