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Fit and Fun Night Out – Dance Party
16/6/2023 (Fri)
入口:近 添馬公園
Entrance : near Tamar Park
星期五晚的歡樂時光,何不以強勁節奏和動感舞蹈,排走所有煩擾和卡路里?由知名教練Dee Oh率領,人人熱血舞動。當晚更會加添異國風情,一起參與融合印度傳統舞和現代節拍的寶萊塢 (Bollywood)舞蹈班,帶來不一樣的綺麗和魅力。
Why not dance away all your unease and calories with strong rhythms and dynamic moves during Friday night's happy hours? Led by renowned coach Dee Oh, everyone is full of passion. An exotic touch is added with a Bollywood dance class that blends traditional Indian dance with modern beats, bringing an unconventional beauty and charm.
合辦單位 Co-organisers:
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