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LOCOLOCO 文創市集-夏日文創祭:海 邊篇
LOCOLOCO Market - Summer Creative Fair - Let’s Stroll
25/6/2023 (Sun)
Entrance : near Tamar Park
去屆LOCOLOCO 文創市集大受歡迎,今年更舉行一連四日的市集活動,讓大家放鬆一下,暫離生活煩囂,欣賞各種別出心裁的手作設計;亦可發揮小宇宙,參加多元化的創意工作坊,製作自家專屬的作品。市集將劃分成手作及創意設計區、原創插畫區及美食區,滿載悠閒氛圍。
In view of the popularity of LOCOLOCO market held last year, it’s extended to a four-day event, allowing everyone to relax and step away from the hustle and bustle, and appreciate various creative handmade designs. You may also unleash your creativity by participating in diverse workshops and making your own unique works. Divided into different zones for handmade and creative design, original illustration, and food and beverage, the market is infused with a friendly and chill atmosphere.
合辦單位 Co-organisers:
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