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LOCOLOCO 文創市集 - 城市小出走:賞月篇
LOCOLOCO “A Little Escape” Market - The Moon Watching Episode
10/9/2022 (Sat)
一連三日的LOCOLOCO 文創市集在中秋節正日舉行連串節目,為家庭、好友或愛侶活動添加暖意和新鮮感。除了在市集欣賞各式精品手作,亦可以參加各種創意工作坊, 包括夜光星球、玻璃蝕刻小夜燈、噴漆星空畫,製作自家專屬的作品。
合辦單位 Co-organisers:
On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Moon Watching Episode brings warmth and freshness to families, friends and lovers alike. In addition to seeing all the fine handicrafts in the market, visitors can also create their own works in the planet light DIY workshop, glassy little night light workshop and spray painting planet workshop.
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