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Monet Garden @SummerFest
26/6/2021 - 6/8/2021
是不是很久沒有旅遊?這個暑假Traveling Muzeum為香港市民首次帶來了《莫奈花園》,讓大家在鬧市中,體驗法國悠閒慢活的情懷,更隨時揮筆繪畫,成爲下一個藝術家。為了向莫奈大師致敬,遊人可與ADAM藝全人共同再創作莫奈名畫巨作《 荷花》和《日落》;還備很多精彩節目,包括法式花藝課程、臉譜彩繪;由居港法籍藝術家Nicolas Lesaffre 創造的Hug the K,更會首次亮相!
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Traveling Muzeum brings Monet Garden to Hongkongers to experience the leisurely French culture this summer. Enjoy art jamming outdoor as Claude Monet. Artists are invited to re-create Monet's masterpieces "Waterlilies" and "Sunset" together. French flower arrangement courses, face paintings and French animations are on offer. Hug the K created by Hong Kong based French artist Nicolas Lesaffre shows up for the first time in Hong Kong.
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