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「One Citybus」展覽 

“One Citybus” Exhibition

9/6/2023 (Fri) - 23/7/2023 (Sun) 


城巴及新巴將於本年7月1日正式合併為全新的城巴(市區及新界專營權)。經過接近30年的演變,以香港島為基地的專營巴士公司終於得以整合,以服務香港接近45年的標誌性品牌 — 城巴「一致服務全城」。為紀念此香港公共交通業的新一頁,城巴新巴主辦「One Citybus」展覽,由6月9日至7月23日假中環海濱活動空間,展示港島專營巴士公司的演變,展出具代表性的退役巴士、古董巴士及現役巴士,更特意修復曾經效力中巴、新巴的兩朝元老 — 珍寶巴士,牽起無數香港人的集體回憶。同場亦設有數個與巴士相關的打卡場景,為來訪者凝聚珍貴一刻。



Citybus and NWFB will be officially merged into the newly created Citybus (Franchise for the Urban and New Territories) effective from 1 July 2023. After nearly 30 years of evolution, the main franchise bus operators based in Hong Kong Island are finally consolidating into “One Citybus”. To commemorate this defining moment in the history of Hong Kong public transportation, Citybus and NWFB host this “One Citybus” Exhibition to show the evolution of Hong Kong Island franchise buses, showcasing retro buses, retired buses and our current fleet at the Central Harbourfront Event Space during 9 June to 23 July. We have also restored a Daimler/ Leyland Fleetline for the exhibition which served CMB and NWFB over the years. There are also photo-taking spots for visitors to capture their precious memories with us.

NWFB “Rickshaw Sightseeing Bus” will operate a special route H1B at the Central Ferry Pier Bus Station which is next to the Central Harbourfront Event Space. The route will deploy an open-top bus replicating the NWFB fleet when they took over buses from CMB, including the classic promotion banners, to commemorate NWFB’s 25 years of service to Hong Kong.

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