Playright Family Play 2016
Date: 2 July
Time: 10am - 1pm | 2pm - 5pm
Play is the work of children. Children love to play in their own ways. To create a child-centered play atmosphere and environment, role of parents are very important. With the sincere support from Great Eagles Limited, Playright Children’s Play Association (Playright) kick-off the project – <Great Eagle Playright Family Play 2016>. We will have a series of family play session for parents and their children to experience the fun of child-centered free play. Playright will use simple and loose material to create a playful playspace for parents to follow the kids to play. The first session, we will use “PAPER”, lots of variety of paper for you and your kids to play, create, and make fun of play.
Play Idea: Creative Carton Paper Workshop, Playable Magazine, Colorful Crepe Paper, Glass Paper Castle
Target: 2-10 years old children and their parents
Quota: 150 families/session (4 people/family)
Enrollment :https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bqg6kJVMQTV4zl5YsuRPvN87ecDM15g-WZRegBNunpc/viewform
Enrollment time: now to 16 June 2016, 5:00pm
* Due to limited quotas, allocation of reservation will be made on a draw lot basis. Successful applicants will receive an email detailing the registration
Enquiry: Tel: 2898 2922 Email: followkidsplayday@playright.org.hk